Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I earned my cowgirl stripes today.

I earned my cowgirl stripes today.

The day started as usual and as I strolled down to feed with Molly nipping at my heels (she thinks I need to be herded to get the job done) I heard Aurora's usual mooing, but it was exceptionally clear this morning.  As I hit the top of the hill at the chicken coop I was greeted by Aurora who luckily was not brave enough to go any further.  I quickly took a survey of the scenery down below mainly to ascertain where the BULL WAS!!  He was out of the corral but happily munching on the mulch pile.  Aurora was simple enough to get back in since she is what my husband calls a "grain addict" and will do anything for a handful of it.  The gate was broken in the small corral so I put her into the large corral leaving the small corral open and thus began the tricky part.  Now, my bull is a mellow bull, but he is still a BULL.  With a few "Yaws!" I got him moving and thus the games began.  With a full gallop he began his journey across my property, but fortunately a "Yaw!!" in his direction brought him racing back towards the corral and ME!!  I knew the only way I had of getting him back in was to stand my ground so I did and prepared to dive since he was not stopping.  When he was within about 8 feet from me he halted and changed direction and headed around the other side of the corral where he stood next to where Aurora was.  He obviously decided I was no fun and he wanted back in with her so with a few more "Yaws" and me chasing HIM this time he was back in the corral happily eating his Bermuda that was waiting for him.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Rowena McDermott
Moonstruck Farms

P.S. We harvested the first Moonstruck Salad Mix and it will be at market each week until further notice :).


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